Monday, November 24, 2014

Evening With The Expert- Save the date!

Live & Learn Compounding Pharmacy  is pleased to continue our "Evening With The Expert" seminar series with NAET Practitioner Ann Tran .

This free seminar will take place in the pharmacy on Thursday, December 4 at 7pm

 Mark your calendars and call early to reserve your seat!

Seminar Reservation Line: 813-500-2581

Mrs. Tran is a Physician Assistant, Certified Natural Health Professional, NAET* practitioner, and Cosmetic Laser & Injectable Specialist. She has two specialties: Anti-aging & Integrative Health.

Mrs. Tran has over 14 years of experience in Anti-aging from lasers to PRP (platelet rich plasma), regenerating collagen and hair, and maintaining youthful skin. She believes in making everyone
 look beautiful and younger naturally.

Besides making everyone look good on the outside, she believes in helping everyone feel great on the inside. Mrs. Tran has been focusing on Integrative health and weight loss for five years. She believes that the key to health is not in just treating the symptoms, but in identifying and addressing the cause of the problem. NAET* & kinesiology are the foundation tools that she uses to find the cause and treat the condition. After that she teaches clients about healthy eating and supplements to maintain a healthy life and prevent illness. She loves Hippocrates saying, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

*NAET= Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique

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