Tuesday, September 10, 2019

September is Sports Eye Safety Month

More than 40,000 people seek treatment for sports-related eye injuries each year. The good news is that almost all of these injuries can be prevented.  Using the right kind of eye protection while playing sports can help prevent serious eye injuries and even blindness.  For all age groups, sports-related eye injuries occur most frequently in water sports, basketball, and baseball/softball.
Whatever your game, whatever your age, you need to protect your eyes!

Prevent Blindness America recommends that athletes wear sports eyeguards when participating in sports. Prescription glasses, sunglasses and even occupational safety glasses do not provide adequate protection. For sports use, polycarbonate lenses must be used with protectors that meet or exceed the requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Each sport has a specific ASTM code, so look for the ASTM label on the product before making a purchase.

For specific eye protection recommendations for each sport and the type of eye injuries they help prevent, check out the Sports EyeProtection Sheet at Prevent Blindness America. 

Knowing what to do if an eye emergency does occur can save valuable time and possibly prevent vision loss. Be prepared by downloading this First Aidfor Eye Emergencies Fact Sheet before heading outside!